This section is provided as a guide for others (e.g. higher education institutions, development organisations and donors, education ministries and related government departments, etc.) considering whether to establish a blended bridging program for refugee learners. The guide can assist in assessing if there is interest, need, and potential for a blended bridging program to support refugees in a particular context in accessing and succeeding in higher education. The information gathered and contacts developed through the scoping tool process can then serve as the initial building blocks for the design of the blended bridging program (for which we have provided an additional tool, the Design Framework).
The Scoping Tool is intended to do three main things:
- To highlight areas that are important to explore in more depth, particularly those identified as possible barriers and facilitators in the Literature Review.
- To explain how and where that information can be found, which key stakeholders you might engage with throughout the scoping process and what questions you might find useful to ask them
- To provide examples from Foundations for All (FFA) in Uganda and the Partnership for Digital Learning and Increased Access (PADILEIA) in Lebanon to highlight why these questions/areas of research are important.
The main sections of the scoping tool are based on a research study conducted by the three partners in FFA (Center for Civic Engagement and Community Service at AUB, Refugee Law Project at Makerere University, and University of Edinburgh) and the Mastercard Foundation Scholars in a first phase in 2019, and CCESC Staff Members and the Mastercard Foundation Scholars (with the support of other partners) in a second phase in 2020-2021 to evaluate the design history of the PADILEIA project. This process is described in the PDF below.